BMC Trading AG of Grenchen, Switzerland and Outdoor Gear Canada (OGC) of Montréal, have signed a multi-year agreement making OGC the exclusive Canadian distributor of BMC bikes effective September 1, 2010.
Since its acquisition by Swiss businessman, Andy Rihs, in 2001, BMC has become one of the cycling world's leading technology and race-driven bike brands. They've developed and introduced a number of outstanding innovations including their patented Tuned Compliance Concept (TCC) design which optimizes overall ride quality through carefully-selected combinations of tube shapes and materials.
This year, they introduced their new teammachine SLR01 road bike featuring the lightest iSC carbon frame ever built as well as a lighter, stiffer edition of their flagship fourstroke FS01 suspension mountain bike with a new TCC-design mountain seatpost.
In November, BMC announced the signing of World Professional Road Champion, Cadel Evans to their race team. Evans joins an already-powerful roster of world-class cyclists including 2008 World Road Champion, Alessandro Ballan, 3-time U.S. Road Champion, George Hincapie, Marcus Burghardt and Karsten Kroon.
OGC is Canada's leading supplier of premium cycling brands and is the exclusive Canadian distributor for Easton Bell Sports (Bell, Blackburn, CoPilot, Easton, Giro), Camelbak, Finish Line, Fox, Kryptonite, Mavic, Profile, Speedplay, SportRack, Thule, Vittoria and White Lightning.
OGC also now distributes three bicycle brands; BMC, Intense and Opus.
''We are absolutely convinced that no other Canadian company can provide as good a foundation for a growing, premium brand such as our's,'' said BMC International Sales Manager, Marcel Emmengger. ''I've seen professionalism and passion in everyone I've met at their company. We are very excited to be embarking on this new venture with OGC.''
''BMC's bikes excel in design, performance and looks,'' commented Rob White, OGC's Vice President, Sales. ''With the addition of Intense Cycles several months, ago, we now offer two world-class bike brands in addition to our own very successful and growing Opus program. We firmly believe that success in our industry, whether you are a supplier or a retailer, requires category-leading, high-value brands and products. This has been our strategy for years on the parts & accessories side of the business. Now, we're bringing that same approach to bikes.''
For more information, please contact:
Rob White
Vice President, Sales
Outdoor Gear Canada