ridingfeelsgood.com/O-Cup XC1 Woodnewton
"Notable results include: The #2 plate of Steven Noble (Opus/OGC) lading an eighth place finish in a stacked field of elite riders, ..."
Opus Photos from Ontario Cup XC #1 At Woodnewton
Steven Noble (OPUS/OGC) was one of the fastest guys through the log turn.
Steven Noble ( OPUS/OGC) était parmi les plus rapides au virage parsemé de bûches.
Steven Noble (OPUS/OGC) through the rocks.
Steven Noble (OPUS/OGC) dans la section rocheuse.
Mike and Tim of Opus/OGC indulging after their races. You earned it guys!
Mike et Tim d'OPUS/OGC en train de faire le plein d'énergie après la course. Vous le méritez les gars !
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